When you sign up for your web hosting plan you gained the ability to create email addresses. The number of email addresses is determined by which plan you choose. If your domain is “example.com” you couldh have many different email accounts such as “store@example.com”, “sales@example.com”, and many more. Anytime you want to create a new email address you can do so in cPanel.
How to Create an Email Account
- Log into cPanel: Use link provided when you signed up for your plan.
- Once logged into cPanel, click on the “Email Accounts” located in the Mail section of cPanel
- That will open a screen so you can create a new email address.
Fill in the fields, below is a description of what to enter:
Email: This is the name of the account. This will be before the @ symbol in the email address. Password: This is the password you assign to the email account. Password (again): Re-type the password Mailbox Quota: Select the size of the mailbox you want to create. After entering your information in the fields, click the button labeled “Create Account“
- Once the account has been created, you will see it listed in the Email Accounts section.
How to access your Email Account
Before you begin to setup your email client, you must first decide how you would like to access your email. You can use many different programs to check your email. You can use a Desktop Program like Outlook, Mac mail, or Thunderbird. You can use the browser based programs Squirrel Mail, Horde, or Round Cube to check from any location using your web browser. Also, you can use a third party like Google Apps or your iPhone, Droid, or other mobile device.
Note: The cPanel interface has changed to a theme called Paper Lantern. When you login to Webmail, you will see the option for the different types of clients available. There will be a gear symbol in the menu bar at the top of the screen that allows you to select which Webmail client you wish to use. |
Configuring a desktop email client
Common email clients that most users are familiar with include Microsoft Outlook and Mac Mail. You can use any program you want as long as is it can connect to our servers.
Basic Email Settings
You will need the settings to configure your email client. While each client is different in its layout and verbiage, there is still a basic set of information that the email client will need. Below is how to get your email settings.
Non SSL email settings
The following settings are the non Secure settings. Use this only if you cannot use the SSL settings. Otherwise, you will want to use the SSL setup. Note that you will need to change “example.com” to your domain name.
- Incoming Server: mail.example.com
- Outgoing Server: mail.example.com
- Username: Your full e-mail address
- Password: Your e-mail account password
- Incoming Port: POP3 110 or IMAP 143
- Outgoing Mail server (SMTP) Port: 587
- SMTP Authentication Required
- Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off
SSL email settings
Below is an example of the recommended Secure settings. The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is for connecting to your server securely to prevent network “snoopers” from seeing your data over the network connection. The “secure##” will need the “##” changed to your server number. To find your server number, see details sent to you in your welcome email.
- Incoming Server: secure##.servconfig.com
- Outgoing Server: secure##.servconfig.com
- Username: Your full e-mail address
- Password: Your e-mail account password
- Incoming Port: POP3 995 or IMAP 993
- Outgoing Mail server (SMTP) Port: 465
- SMTP Authentication Required
- Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off
What is Webmail?
There are several ways you can check your email. For example, you can setup a desktop email client such as Microsoft Outlook, Mac Mail or web-based clients such as Gmail to check your email. You can also check your email from your phone, such as an iPhone or an Android phone.
Like the previous examples, Webmail is another tool you can use to send and receive email. Webmail is different because you can access it using a web browser. It doesn’t require you to setup the software. You can simply log into Webmail and begin to use it.
Note! Before you attempt to log into Webmail Be sure that you have first created an email address within your cPanel.
Steps for logging into Webmail
The steps below will show you how to login to Webmail. In this example, we are assuming the email address you want to check is user@example.com
- Visit example.com/WebmailBe sure to replace example.com with your actual domain name.
- Enter your username and password, and then click OK.User Name: Enter your full email address, all lower case
Password: Enter your email address’ password - You should now be logged in! Click on one of the three Webmail clients and get started using your email!
I Don’t Know whether I should click on SquirrelMail, Horde, or Roundcube!
After logging into Webmail, you’ll be presented with three options: Horde, Roundcube, and SquirrelMail. These three options are different Webmail clients that can be used for sending and reading email. All of them show you your email, however each of them has their own look & feel as well as their own unique features.
The 3 available Webmail Clients
SquirrelMail | Limited in features, however this allows you to quickly read and respond to email |
Horde | Has more functionality than SquirrelMail, however this can at times make the software slower and more “busy” |
Roundcube | Is the new kid on block, just recently introduced into cPanel. Feature wise it falls in between SquirrelMail and Horde, however it has a very clean look and feel to it, similar to a desktop client such as Mac Mail our Outlook |
What’s Next?
In addition to Webmail, there are a few other email features that can be used on our servers. You may be interested in learning more about:
- Email Forwarding – automatically forward emails to another email address
- Auto Responders – going on vacation? setup an auto respond to notify others when they email you that you are out of the office
- Spam Assassin – if you’re having a problem with spam, start by setting up and configuring Spam Assassin