You have worked very diligently on your brand new site. You have crossed all the t’s and dotted the i’s; you have used plugins to minimize images size and loading times. You have played around with caching to make sure your potential audience and/or customers don’t walk away due to poor rendition. Your responsiveness has been checked in many devices and browsers. What else is there?
Well you may be able to check with friends around different areas to see if they can see you site but there are much more efficient ways to, not only see if your site is visible at home, but also around the world. And here is one of those super easy ones:
Go to and add your own domain name at the end of the url to see how the world views your site.
For example, lets try it with this site, And this is the result:
Check out these other tools to help you ascertained load speeds worldwide. Or here if you want to see if your site has propagated after DNS changes. There are many other options that you can find out there with a little research but these are a good beginning!