Mar 7th, 2016
Benjamin Ehinger
As Seen in The Hosting News
Maybe you’ve heard of the Love Languages book, which explains how your partner and yourself may receive love. It provides five broad love languages for relationships. Did you know, your website also has five love languages? Of course, these are not about your website receiving love, necessarily. however, they are more about providing good feelings to those visiting your website and associating good things with your brand. Here are the five love languages of a website.
Visitors want to know their information is secure and won’t be used in a harmful way. Security is one of the most important love languages of your website and helps to protect your site and visitors from hackers, viruses and malware. Giving your website the right security makes a huge difference. You want to make sure your themes and plugins are always updated, provide SSL certificates and encryption for visitors and provide additional protection. In addition, you should always get rid of any files you don’t need or don’t use anymore. Additional features, such as adding SiteLock or login lockout plugins will help, as well. The more you can do to ensure security to your visitors, the better off you will be for those needing to know your site is secure.
Another love language of your website is SEO. If you’re not listed high for your search terms, you won’t receive much love from visitors. Very few people go deeper than the first page of the results and the top three spots get the majority of the traffic.You need to provide a high level of SEO to ensure you rank high and receive love. With natural SEO from good content about the services, products and topics your visitors’ value, you will gain the love from higher ranking. This isn’t an easy thing to do, but there are professionals ready to help you gain the best possible SEO. With the right combination of blogging, on page SEO and off page SEO, you can master this love language and give your website plenty of love.
Hosting plays an important role for your website. It’s the storage for all your files and with the right hosting, you will show your website and your visitors plenty of love. A bad host means you will see poor performance, increased downtime and other issues. Often, a bad host won’t provide fast and reliable support, either. With great website hosting, your website will load faster, experience less downtime and you will receive support when you need it. Good hosting companies will make sure you have plenty of resources and allow you to increase your traffic without worrying.
Appearances may not be everything, but they are still important. Most people want to be attracted to the person they date or marry and most website visitors want to stay on a website they find attractive. If your site provides a good design, it will be more enjoyable for visitors. This can have a positive impact on your profits and provide a better platform for SEO and marketing. Displaying a clear and concise message on your site allows visitors to understand what they are getting and how to find it on your website. Don’t let your site suffer from the uglies. Instead, make sure you have a great design and give it a makeover, if necessary.
The final love language of your website is marketing. With the right marketing, you will attract more visitors and customers. This often means creating excellent content, putting together a good email campaign and doing everything else necessary to gain new visitors. Every website is a bit different, but you will certainly need compelling headlines, content your readers can use and the ability to engage readers on social media. If you want to increase your website visitors and user interaction, focus on these five love languages of websites.